Please donate any items to GOODWILL at THIS weekends games. This would include that teddy bear your cutie gave you in 9th grade or that hand-me down Christmas sweater. Furniture is also in need. GOODWILL will have a trailer outside Germain Arena both Friday and Saturday nights and will be passing out coupon packets for free appetizers and more upon a donation. Lets show the community what FGCU is all about. DONATE TO GOODWILL!

Photo advertisement courtesy of: "The Student Newspaper at FGCU." FGCU Hockey thanks them for all of their dedication and support informing FGCU students and the community about the FGCU Hockey program.
FGCU's D3 Eagles take on Embry Riddle in the first DOUBLE HEADER game weekend of the Season. FGCU is on a winning streak & they do NOT want that to change. Come support FGCU and stay for the D2/UConn showdown soon after. Games times are October 8th and 9th at 6PM for D3 and at 8:30 PM for D2.
FREE for FGCU Students (with valid i.d)
$5 for non-FGCU affiliates
FREE for all
Be loud, be proud & GO EAGLES!
Thanks for the plug! We're looking forward to spending the weekend with Eagles Hockey!