Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You Tube Tuesday

One of my favorite things about the Blades signing players is wasting way too much time over on YouTube watching highlights. Lucky for you guys, I've hand picked the very best videos just for you.

You saw the videos of goalie John Muse in action a couple of Tuesdays ago, but you haven't seen Pat Nagle in action yet:

That save 10 seconds into the video made me happier than a video of a bunch of kittens ever could.

Chris Murray in action:

Philip-Michael Devos:

Alex Hutchings being Alex Hutchings:

And Kyle Lawson (skip to the 10 second mark for his great defensive play):

Friday can't come fast enough can it?


  1. Great clips to rev up fans' expectations!

  2. But really, happier than a bunch of sweet kittehs..just saying!


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